

Bibliographical resources

Two data bases are available on Zotero, providing a list of social sciences references on AMR and on the veterinary profession.

AMR (and social sciences)

VETS (and social sciences)


Other project and research groups on social sciences of AMR

AMIS – Antimicrobials in Society. A group of medical anthropologists led by Pr Clare Chandler at the LSHTM, which aim is to demonstrate the rich social-material worlds that antimicrobials inhabit and travel within, and in doing so offer policy-makers, scientists, and funders new ways to conceptualise and act upon AMR.

The social study of microbes group. A team of social scientists with passion for microbes and questions of social justice, led by Dr Salla Sariola at the University of Helsinki and studying global health, antimicrobial resistance and exploring new ways of producing knowledge with and about microbes.

Beyond Resistance. An interdisciplinary network let by Dr Iona Walker at the University of Edinburgh, that is spanning the arts, sciences and social sciences to investigate, explore and find solutions to tackle antimicrobial resistance

Sonar Global. A H2020 project coordinated by Dr Tamara Giles-Vernick which aim is to build a sustainable international network to strengthen the active participation of the social sciences in the prevention and response to infectious threats.

Anthropo-phages. A project coordinated by Dr Charlotte Brives at CNRS on the therapeutic use of bacteriophage viruses (or phages). The project looks at the scientific and medical history of phages, as well as the regulatory and market-driven issues of phage therapy as an alternative to antibiotics.

The social sciences of antimicrobials. A series of projects led by Pr Alex Broom at the University of Sydney to study antimicrobial use and responses to antimicrobial resistance in Australia and India.

Roadmap – Rethinking of antimicrobial decision-systems in the management of animal production. A H2020 project coordinated by Dr Nicolas Fortané at INRAE and Paris-Dauphine University which aim is to foster transitions towards prudent use of antimicrobials in animal farming.

Marginalization & the microbe. A project led by Dr Catherine Will at the University of Sussex, that seeks to map different forms of mobilization against antimicrobial resistance, exploring how they address questions of inequality or marginalization

Social Science Research on AMR. A research network led by Pr Helen Lambert at the University of Bristol which aim is to foster the development of social sciences of antimicrobial use and resistance.

The AMR Studio. An initiative of the Uppsala Antibiotic Centre that provides podcasts dedicated to highlighting the multidisciplinary research on antimicrobial resistance that is happening around the world.

AMR Social Sciences. A project led by Pr Olivier Rubin at the Roskilde Univeristy in Denmark. It investigates AMR through a political science lens, by analyzing the global political dynamics that prevent AMR from gaining greater traction on the global policy agenda


Antibio-Addicts Conference

In June 2019, we hosted an international conference at Paris-Dauphine University where many of the leading researchers in social sciences of AMR presented and discussed their most recent work. Audio/video recordings of their talks will be available soon. The program is available here. 

Some of the recent papers, books or presentations of the AMAGRI research group

Fortané N. (2020), “Antimicrobial resistance: Preventive approaches to the rescue? Professional expertise and business model of French ‘industrial’ veterinarians”, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, Online first.

This article examines the development of preventive approaches in veterinary medicine in France as a response to the AMR crisis and analyses the business model on which these approaches rely. It shows that preventive approaches to animal health are part of veterinary expertise since the 1980’s at least, but that they supported in the meantime the development of an “antibio-dependent” business model of veterinary practices.

Minviel J.J. et al. (2019), “Business models of the French veterinary offices in rural areas and regulation of veterinary drug delivery”, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 173 (1), online first.

This article tackles the issue of the business model of veterinary practices, analyzing the economic impact of the double monopoly of French veterinarians over sales and prescriptions of pharmaceuticals, and assessing the consequences of a possible “decoupling” of these two activities.

Fortané N. (2019), “Veterinarian ‘Responsibility’: Conflicts of Definition & Appropriation surrounding the Public Problem of Antimicrobial Resistance in France”, Palgrave Communications, 5 (67).

This article analyses the recent career of the AMR public problem in France and shows how the veterinary profession has been able to reframe AMR controversies in a way that establishes veterinarians as “guardians” of the responsible use of antibiotics.

Berdah D. (2018), Abattre ou vacciner. La France et le Royaume-Uni en lutte contre la tuberculose et la fièvre aphteuse (1900-1960), Paris, Éditions de l’EHESS, coll. « En temps et lieux », 343 p.

By dealing with the construction of animal disease control standards in France and UK since the end of the 19th century, in particular through the innovation trajectories of vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease and bovine tuberculosis, this book answers both historical and contemporary questions about practices, tools and knowledge circulations between human medicine, veterinary medicine and agricultural sciences.

Hellec F., Manoli C. (2018), « Soigner autrement ses animaux : la construction par les éleveurs de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques », Économie rurale, 363, 7-23.

This article describes the process by which livestock farmers take ownership of alternative approaches to animal health, analyzing the four scenes in which farmers encounter those approaches: training, on-farm trials, group work with livestock farmers, and individual consultation with specialists. Farmers tend to articulate different approaches to caring for their herds, which implies coordination between their own interventions and those of other health professionals.