Sociologist at INRA-ASTER (Mirecourt, France), I have a dual education as an agricultural engineer (AgroParisTech, specialising in animal sciences) and as a doctor in agricultural sociology. My current work focuses on the processes of technical innovation related to the agro-ecological transition of livestock farming. I am particularly interested in alternative methods of animal health management and new breeding methods that are developed by "grazier" breeders' associations.

In the AMAGRI project, I study the transformations of the veterinary profession by focusing on farm animal practices that have a mixed clientele (canine / ruminant breeding). The aim is to describe and analyse the evolution of the activity of these offices, which includes direct animal care, the prescription of medicines and the development of new services such as livestock audits, herd monitoring, or alternative care methods (phyto-aromatherapy).

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Investigating homeopathy (2). Healing stories

Published on 02/03/2021

In a previous blogpost I talked about what led me to become interested in veterinary homeopathy, and how little by little I came to understand the complexity of using this...

Investigating veterinary homeopathy (3). To believe or not to believe?

Published on 30/04/2021

This third post about investigating the uses of homeopathy on the farm addresses my own relationship to the field. Is neutrality stance possible when dealing with an alternative medicine that...

Reducing antibiotic use in livestock farms: might women drive this change?

Published on 07/04/2020

To reduce antimicrobials in livestock, alternatives approaches are nowadays developing, in particular those based on the use of medicinal plants. Very often, those changes are initiated by women.

Investigating veterinary homeopathy (1). A gradual initiation into the homeopathic approach.

Published on 01/12/2020

This is the first article of a series dedicated to the use of homeopathy by dairy farmers. The origin of this research comes from a field survey on organic farming,...